New Seasons Require New Habits...

by Shameless_Curator, March 16, 2023

 Good day family and friends! 

I know, I know... I have broken yet another promise just to come back and try to reseal that same promise with more zest and flavor only to find that I too, night break that same promise once more. Let me explain, at the top of every year it is my intention to write once a week to you! To encourage and empower you to do big things, but lately, I have noticed that I too need that same letter to self. Therefore, I have been spending more time looking at my habits, thoughts, and words to see if there is a misalignment in regard to my results. 


by Shameless_Curator, December 29, 2022

It was just two days before Christmas and my love interest and I had just decided to spend Christmas morning together. No fault of his own, it was completely my idea and he complied. Moments leading up to his arrival, I had the jitters but decided that this would be the day that I would share my intentions. Rightfully so, I have expressed time and time again on both the blog and the podcast to go after what you want.

Quiet Quitting....

in , by Shameless_Curator, December 06, 2022

 I haven’t written on a professional topic in quite some time and leave it to LinkedIn to push some new definition or concept that has been widely done for years upon years in the workforce. However, with the continuous changes in the workforce and the contribution of social media influence, I thought it best to share some of my own insights on the Newly Trending and Most Questioned “Quiet Quitting”.  

When It All Came Crashing Down.....

in , by Shameless_Curator, December 01, 2022

 It was a Monday morning, very winter weather for the Midwestern state of Ohio and I was in the crunch of my life. Usually, when I say that it’s a foreshadow of what's to come but looking back, I know if I didn’t make a move, I would have been stuck for many years to come. See, this Monday wasn’t my normal Tuesday it was the deciding Monday for many Mondays to come. It was “Move Day, and not just around the corner or the next city over, it was the distant move that I had been mentally preparing for, since the day I left. It was all together; I promise I was not procrastinating as I usually would when big projects come down the pipeline. I had it all figured out.... 

Another Again: In The Middle...

in , by Shameless_Curator, October 25, 2022

 Family and friends, I hope all is well. We are right where we need to be and for some, I am sure we aren’t feeling like that is a good thing. I will be the first one to admit, that this space that I have been in has been a bit strange. While there are a lot of good things happening, there is a lot of uncertainty taking place too. And while I find that to be comforting on one end, on the other I have this extreme annoyance and anger that boils down to sadness.

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