Talking to Strangers in Un-strange Ways...

in , by Shameless_Curator, September 19, 2022

 Hello Family and Friends,

I hope you are well and preparing for the season change ahead. Of course, there are many other things to prepare for, but in my effort to encourage you to do something different I would like to put one more thing on your mind. As you know, I am blessed to work in an environment that allows me to travel to different states each week. While I am hardly home, I have the pleasure to work with people from different walks of life, different life trials, and more importantly people who look differently from me. This for some can be difficult, but for me, I have found a way to talk to strangers in un strange ways. 

On my recent trip to Anniston, Alabama I experienced a freak accident that lead me to pull my foot out of an escalator in the middle of the largest airport in the world. Yes, Atlanta Hartsfield! Imagine my shame, and self-talk, "clearly it can be difficult simply standing on an escalator". Nonetheless, as I tell myself "I am no quitter" I proceed to the plane, catch my flight, and head to work with my clients. While in Anniston, I met quite a few people, naturally I would like to think this was related to the southern charm but partly destiny.

I have been in the silent season where I haven't wanted to make plans, and when I do I make them it half-hearted as my belief in them happening had waned. It was like wanting to see something different but being terrified that I wouldn't get it, or asking and not wanting to go through what it takes to get it. Both of them presented their own set of challenges, and with that, I simply began to desire nothing. In my most southern voice, "I is tired" is what I would say as I say it all crumble right before my eyes, unsure if it was an answered prayer or a trick of the enemy. Either way, I had become silent. I didn't want to tell my closest friends what I wanted to do or what I wanted my life to look like, lest they hold me accountable and it didn't come to pass. I didn't want to tell myself, lest I deal with the disappointment, and I certainly didn't want to write it down because it would happen, but leading to it, would present an opportunity to quit and or self-doubt.

So where am I going with this "talking to strangers in unstrange ways" madness? Right, good question! After months of wanting to see something different in my life, I finally came to a place where I was ready to speak what I already knew to be true in my heart. I knew I wanted to live in a different state than the state that I live in, I knew I wanted to buy another house, I knew I wanted to make more money doing what I loved and I knew I wanted to pursue higher education. These things have sat heavily on my heart for two years, and I thought if I focused less attention on them, the yearning, the urge would get smaller but indeed it did the opposite. I now have dreams about my heart's desires, I have the home that I want saved on my phone and the educational opportunity keeps calling. While the path to getting there was still unclear, the demand to "SPEAK" was CLEAR!!!

While traveling this whole week, I began speaking to strangers about the very things mentioned in this blog post. I would listen to their life stories and the situations and upbringing that have brought them to where they are and vis versa. And for once in a long time, it felt good to speak about my true heart desires, without doubt, or questions on how, when and who? It was just pure desire dreaming done verbally with people I may never see again. And that, my friend, is my encouragement to you. 

I know how challenging it can be to tell others what has been on your heart, and sometimes you can't because what you see isn't for everybody, but it is for somebody. Sometimes we fear speaking about what we want and need because we feel like we might not get it. Or what if we say it, and now others are expecting you to perform according to what you just said. All the "if's" in the world wont quite your wildest dreams and your purpose. Therefore, lets start with stranger conversations with strangers.
 Make the connection and give yourself the chance to say it as many times you need until you believe it yourself! 

And until YOU see it unfolding right before your eyes.

Speak it, Go after it, Recieve it!

Happy weekend, and remember the shameless, shame less!

-Sara J.

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