It was a Monday morning, very winter weather for the Midwestern state of Ohio and I was in the crunch of my life. Usually, when I say that it’s a foreshadow of what's to come but looking back, I know if I didn’t make a move, I would have been stuck for many years to come. See, this Monday wasn’t my normal Tuesday it was the deciding Monday for many Mondays to come. It was “Move Day”, and not just around the corner or the next city over, it was the distant move that I had been mentally preparing for, since the day I left. It was all together; I promise I was not procrastinating as I usually would when big projects come down the pipeline. I had it all figured out....
Monday morning, very winter weather and my phone rings. I am elated because I already know who it is. It’s the movers that I paid BIG BUCKS for, the movers I trusted my femininity in and my things that I had carefully built or purchased over the two years. When I picked up the phone and heard the news on the other end, it was if all the air in the room had been sucked out with a teeny tiny straw. I carefully fell to my knees and laid across the floor. I had nothing for the caller on the other line, I had used every bit of professionalism throughout the two years in Dayton, Ohio. I had cried every tear possible, and my head was hurting because I knew I had exhausted my barometer to give a damn. So, I laid silent as I listened to the disappointment on the other end spew more disappointment. Once they finished, I simply stated, “please cancel the movers”.
This reality hit harder than any other at that moment, because cancelling the only help that I had to pay for was basically saying I was going to do it myself, which meant I was all on me, AGAIN! Since this wasn’t the first time, I would be responsible for orchestrating a state-to-state move, I exhaled and called U-Haul. Next thing you know I was pushing a box spring out of the house, then the mattress, next the books and then out of nowhere my neighbors began grabbing things. One by one, items were being placed in this U-Haul, and next it was full. It all happened so fast, that I lost track of time. Then I was in the driver seat, alone with my plant Ansley. Driving down highway 75. Roughly nine hours later, I had arrived to my home. The home I leased online without seeing. Three hours later, I was moving things in and by five pm Tuesday evening the truck was empty and my home was full.
The relief that I felt that day will forever live in my heart for a way reasons as my take always are the same. What happens when you plan everything to the letter, and it doesn’t work out. Here’s somethings to expect along the way. First, what is meant for you is for you. I say that with hopes that it doesn’t read as cliché as I typed it. Secondly, we tend to expect things to fall directly in alignment based on what we expect rather good or bad to happen. But what happens when we have made too many accommodations and limit God. I had prepared for everything but to do it myself with the strength of God, which was cheaper, more efficient and help was provided along the way. Thirdly, sometimes the best way to ensure effectiveness is to do it yourself, which means there will be times when we want help but the vision is solely ours, therefore it may only require you! Fourth and final, trust the process. While driving 80 mph’s on Highway 75, I wasn’t sure how long I would be able to keep my eyes open but I knew if I continued down the road I would find out. Trust the process enough to know exactly where it will lead you. When it all came crashing down, courage and faith led me right where my heart desired.
I hope this story stirred something in you as it did me, it takes faith and courage to see things through, I sure hope you get to experience the warmness of completed works and desires met.
Sara J. Shamelessly.
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