in , by Shameless_Curator, January 01, 2021

So you woke up this morning, ready to see what 2021 has for you. You promised yourself that this year will NOT look anything like last year. Truth be told, it won’t if you got the lessons and accepted the blessings as they came. However, like many of us, we wallowed in the angst of 2020 and complained about uncertainty. We started things and allowed fear to stop what we knew the world needed. We laid in our beds waiting for the minutes to turn into hours, and hours into days, awaiting the countdown to another year. So here’s the real, rather you know it or not God is continuously giving second chances. Mainly because the Lord's mercies and compassions are new EVERY morning. Therefore you don’t have to fret about yesterday as his compassion never fails. 

Think of it this way, when you were in grade school and you failed a test it either plummeted your grade of your teacher was gracious enough to allow a retake. It can be assumed that the retake will be the exact same test, but it’s wise to know the material regardless of the test make up. 2020 was our first test, rather it was in your faith, in your marriage or yourself and some of us failed and others propelled. No matter the score we were given grace and allowed a second chance. 2021 can be the same as 2020, the heartache, the depression, and pain or it could be better. This test in 2021 is same material but a different test format. Last year might have been multiple choice, this year its fill in the blank. take this day and create what once was and fill in the blank knowing that you can not fail. You can't fail because you know the material and you had a year to study. Also knowing that the Lord is your portion, therefore you have hope in him. When it comes time to test, you will not fail. Not this time, because your hope is in him. He can’t fail, neither can you.

Reference Scripture Lamentations 3:21-23

Blessing and abundance.

Sincerely, Shameless
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