in , , by Shameless_Curator, September 01, 2020

 Let me just start this blog post off humbly and honest, I am by no means an expert by degree or certification but I can offer some wisdom cause I have been around the “ Girls Trip “ block several times. And, I don’t want to toot my own horn, but let’s just say I am proud to offer this literary commentary on “Girl Tripping” Covid edition.


So, here’s my background; I am a funny, witty very esoteric woman who loves to travel. I am a nice glass of wine and a good book type of chick, but I come with my quirks. Timeliness and lacking guest service drive me nuts yet, I have a heart for the tardy. I believe I do well alone, but I’ve come to accept that alone is best friends with lonely and if you don’t define the two carefully, dark places will become familiar. Its really easy to make one moment the standard for others, be watchful of that.


In the past ten years, I have taken roughly 12 girl’s trips. Consider me cheap, I call it killing several excursions in one debit transaction, I will admit some of these trips should have been solo. Some of these trips resulted in ended friendships. Others were the ruin of special occasions not limited to birthdays. The rest was just learned lessons at my wallets expense. No complaints on my end, because I have learned with each trip and it has lead me to this very successful trip during some of the worlds most uncertain times.


If I had to recall the trip that forced me into “full fledge, what in the absolute hell wrapped nicely in an expensive vacay stay” I would suggest it was the one in the Florida, Keys. Now I know you are wondering, how could a trip in such a pretty place turn so terribly bad. Well, here goes nothing:


What started out as a decent flight into Florida, most certainly ended in one of the last places I wanted to visit the remainder of my twenties. I invited three of my closest girl friends at the time and we all agreed we would meet up in the Keys and TURN UP. We met in the Keys and The TURN UP occurred, but some heated arguments and unexpressed emotions is what ended the trip.


On our second night in the Keys, the ladies and myself found ourselves in a heated debate about a few things; in all transparency; one of them being that I was having candid conversation with a gay girl, another was the ladies did not like that I didn’t force the buddy system. In their defense, this was our first time travelling together and, in my defense, I tend to speak to anyone, and I certainly do not operate in fear. Around three am, after all the partying, drinking and the car is parked at our residence the real frustration roars.


Let’s just say, mean words, stones (not literal ones, though it felt like it) and name calling was too the MAX! Tears, disappointment, and morphing into everything but a child of God was on the rise. Each person vocally pleading their case as to why their reasoning is accurate, totally pulled out the big guns and shamed the birthday girl for being herself. After countless drunken shouting matches, the cops are called, the hotel manager is knocking at the door and I was exiting the hotel. In that moment, nothing mattered, my failing birthday trip, the gas it was going to cost me to get myself and the other ladies to the airport and whatever deposit was that was left, didn’t matter. After a cup of coffee on my drunken belly, I announced to the ladies, that I am heading to the airport so let’s go! Each party walked away and entered back in their world and I was broken hearted, disappointed, and head tucked on the flight, destination home.


Disclaimer: Of the three ladies, I was able to reconcile one friendship that is thriving and stronger than were we began.



So, In short; here are three quick tips that ensure your gals day out, or girls trip exude success and fun, and nothing short of an excellent time.




I don’t know if you recall your twenties, I know I do. There were many nights were I was trying to fit in, catching new clips so I could find myself relatable amongst the cool kids convo. I remember taking on peer pressure as thought I were a young teen whom had an extra liver to spare. But I also remember late night working through my stuff, collecting what I needed and discarded what I didn’t. I remember the very first day I told a close friend, “I don’t desire to do the things I used to do with you, because it was never my thing”. Ladies, on these trips, it is absolutely one hundred thousand percent imperative that you bring your OWN identity. Often we try to be agreeable, but really all you need is complimentary.


2.        BE GRACIOUS


I KNOW, trust me. No one likes the late person or the indecisive friend. But what happens when you can’t figure out what you need to eat, or what you feel like doing. Better yet, what do you do when it’s YOU running late!? Oh, how funny it can be when the tables turn. I get it, Ish happens and boy don’t I know it, however the goal internally is to have a good time. Now you may have your lists of non negotiable, and I suggest you keep it or revamp according to growth. However, grace must be inevitable when there are others involved in your travels. Just know, grace implies respect and mercy. On my most recent trip, I encountered moments were grace was just given without reason. I dont know about you but I have not experienced that often, yet it was refreshing to give and receive it.


3.        SPEAK UP

If you are reading this, I doubt you have an issue in the speaking up department. However, you may have a slight concern with how you say things. I too have weathered that storm, but I have learned when most of my travels turn left on Fiery lane, and dead ended straight to hell was when tone wasn’t measured. By no means and I suggesting that you change your core (unless that’s needed) because that would be a violation to rule number one, however I am suggesting an adjustment of expression. Simply stated, I know but it’s something worth working at. When you speak up, be the one who sets the tone in love as we all know, the on lookers can never decided who’s not the fool when two are people are yelling.


I could have dived deep into the type of women who travel and the many personalities, but for today, I think tips one through three can at least get you to and from to Cabo. Oh, and your presence is always a plus!


Love and Light,

Sincerely Shameless.


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  1. Love LOVE LOVE!!!! Traveling with you was amazing and I can't wait to do it again!!!�

    1. Rocky!!! Thank you girl friend. Im looking forward to many more trips! Also, Part Two is on the way!!!


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