in , , by Shameless_Curator, July 11, 2020

We have all been there before. Rather it was just a moment in time or a year that just flew by, distractions are inevitable and no matter how focused we are, it happens.
Writing this blog post is a bit different from my previous posts, typically I like to write from the conquered space rather the “its happening to me” space, but because it was so heavy on my heart, I am distracted and I am writing about distractions. While I don’t want to talk you out of being distracted, I do want to persuade you to be decided and focused so the distractions that come are less impacting.

With that being said, we are in the most intense time of our lives, we have ample amount of time but so little time. We have resources but so little resources, there is such a duality of the space that we are in and imperative that we maximize our focus so that we are less distracted.
I keep throwing that word around, but I want to add some context. Over the past year, I have been creating, doing two podcasts, working, working out, finishing my masters and just being human that when I took one step left, I found myself off the beaten track. Everything was jumbled, the schedule that I used to know was now filled with improperly placed people, in improperly placed spaced. In layman’s terms, I met a man and found myself distracted.
So for all my people who found love, I am not saying that love itself is a distraction but I am saying love, jobs, re-connections with the wrong person, place or thing is. So, how do you determine if you are distracted? Its simple in a really complex way, look at where you want to be and size it up with those around you. If they are encouraging your pursuit to happiness and purpose, than you are in the right place but if they do not and they only find ways to pull you further away, ie by offering things that could damage what you are trying to build, well my friend you are distracted.
No matter if its life, love and or relationships, every person have a circle that influences purpose. With that being said, there is a few other circles that do the complete opposite. I wish I could tell you that this live would be lived without people, but that would be a lie. Point is, in life you need to focus on the things that you want out of life, and people can either help you move that agenda forward or keep you stagnant. Do not be deceived, distractions come in many forms and they cause delay and dissatisfaction. Do all that you can to keep your focus., your future depends on it.

Until next time,

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