Wholeness.. The Journey

by Shameless_Curator, June 30, 2021

 Hey family and friends,

What is going on in your world? I hope all is well, and I really hope you found the Shame Tracker to be of some assistance in reducing the shame, guilt, and fear in your life. Well, here we are, another week to pursue a life in its abundance, and in my devotional time, wholeness kept racing through my mind.

So, for a quick moment, I would like to share with you my journey in wholeness and what it entails. I know in popular culture we hear this word often, or we hear the sayings often about someone “healed and whole” son or daughter. And while I am elated that there is some buzz around the word, I know that at times it can be mishandled due to a lack of understanding yet an oversaturation of usage.

So, here's the tea. Wholeness in itself is the state of forming (which is constant) a harmonious life. Lacking nothing and wanting nothing, remaining the same even when things are changing. It’s a pretty bland definition but wholeness is pretty simple, it’s the simplicity that makes wholeness stand out.

Throughout my entire life, I can honestly say I have never held on, kept or lived anywhere for longer than two years. I was constantly bullied and or harassed because a lack of stability as if I had any control of what my parents did and or how they set our lives up. After leaving the house for college, I didn’t know what wholeness was but I knew I was seeking something that possible could have been defined as wholeness. I had this urge to be stable, this desire to have a basic but high paying job, a set of girl friends that did cocktails on the weekdays and home, but if that was too much a roof over my head that I could call home. Well, you know the best way to get a laugh out of yourself and God is to make a plan. HA!

Obviously that plan failed, I couldn’t be stable in the concept I created in my mind if I wanted to. And trust me, I tried. I did, I truly did. I worked long hours, odd job, endless jobs, customers, guest, the kids running around the restaurant, owners and clients, the whole nine. Just to discover many years later that wholeness was within my mind and heart and not the exterior and the efforts of my works. (if only someone told me sooner)

My ode to you, know that wholeness isn’t an action, but a posture or rather an understanding. As long as you have your body and mind, you can position your mind on what you have and know that it is sufficient as you progress towards more. Wholeness like self love is an inside job!

Until next time,

Your favorite shameless advocate Sara J.  

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