in , by Shameless_Curator, August 11, 2020

It is indeed your complexities, your adversity, accomplishments, and voice that makes the world go round. Believe it or not, we need you to push the pursuit of happiness agenda forward.

Have you ever been through something that shifted your thoughts of the world or space that you live in? Perhaps it shifted how you felt about yourself or others around you. Maybe it even created a doubt in where you are going or where you have been. Ultimately, it has taken something from you.

It always interesting when I find myself in shifting seasons, seasons that are changing from the familiar to the unfamiliar. The comfortable to the uncomfortable. The known, into the unknown. Thrusted in the wild, the untamed, the jungle of “I don’t know what’s next”.

I believe many of us are feeling this wildered aura rather we are employed, unemployed., married, divorced or single. The crazy/fun part about it is that this feeling feels everlasting, but there is something after this.

No matter what today looks like, no matter what this season looks like, there is an after this. I just want to encourage you that there is an after this.

Your after this will be better than your current this.



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