in , , by Shameless_Curator, May 02, 2020
Lets go back a few weeks, in fact lets go back a few months. Last year even. What did you see? What was it that you were asking for and what were the things that you committed to memory and added to your prayers. Lets hang out here for a while, and just think. Its okay to smile, I know I am. I don't know about you but I had high hopes and big dreams. I wanted to launch this blog/brand and I wanted to move up in my career. I wasn't sure if that meant changing jobs, quitting my current job (cause yall know we love some pressure) or sticking with my job and fighting for the pay and position that I knew I deserved. I wasnt to clear on the how, while the what was staring me in my face. I also wanted a beautiful love story that entailed countless dates (kinda tough with the six feet rule) and remain celibate (excellent for the new six feet rule) throughout the span of dating. I had another goal of buying a condo and to travel, again, anything that required me to leave my home seemed difficult. Well, difficult when looking at my prayers and the state of the nation. The thought of letting go of my prayers hurt a little more, because before I submit a prayer, I believe in it!

Now what? I know that's what you are thinking.  What do we do with all those bottled up tears from sacrifices over the years, the late night prayers that we mumbled so no one could hear? The visions that we kept to ourselves to ensure that the little bit of faith we had couldnt be tainted. This may be completely contrary to popular belief and what the world may have to offer, but I suggest we stay in that prayer. We stay where our mental and emotional well being was and is thriving. We continue to allow the vision to grow, and build upon what have already seen. We continue to pray, and pray for what your heart truly desires because it will manifest. Its not going to look like what you expect but isn't that the fun part?

Its clear that things will never be the same and our new normal is not an easy pill to swallow, but we still have work to do. We do it when its tough, we do it when we can't see our way out of it and if we don't, who will?
Stay in your prayer and know that this too shall pass.


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